Em and Stu in the merde

Saturday, June 24, 2006

What ever happened to...?

Although France is quite progressive in a lot of aspects, their TV channels seem to be the television equivalent of an old-folk's home. All those terrible programmes from the 70s and 80s seem to have found their natural home here in France. Dallas, The Love Boat, Knightrider, Bewitched and the list goes on. And does anyone remember Toptown? (That 80s programme where two towns competed in silly sports involving slippery slides and giant beach balls). It appears the French are still producing their own version called Interville, with lots of slippery slides involved.
The French seem to produce very little drama or comedy programmes, but instead of making a lot of reality TV like other countries, they fill their programming with game shows. At last count there are 10 per day. yes that's right, 10. Although, shows like Who Wants to be a Millionare are definitely increasing our French vocabulary.
The music situation is not a lot better. France has produced some amazing artists in the past like Francoise Hardy and Serge Gainsbourg, but it has also produced Johnny Halliday (think John Rowles with a French accent). Most of the pop music around at the moment is either bland, middle-of-the road, all-sound-the-same songs, or lip synching pretty boys or girls, probably discovered on Nouvelle Star (French Pop Idol). And, on the off chance that anyone was wondering whatever happened to Tina Arena (you know who you are), she has been wholeheartedly embraced by France. Her latest album is in French, and she is currently touring the country. Still terrible, though!
There are some artists bucking the trend and making interesting music, usually electronica or jazz, but none of them seem to be doing any concerts at the moment. Quel dommage.
However, the music and TV culture seems to add to the charm of the French. It's nice to know that a country that prides itself on its intellectual debate and rich cultural heritage is still secretly into The Pussycat Dolls.
Oh, and France 2-Togo 0 (woo hoo!)


Blogger JohnWorden said...

Crikey, that's even older than the stuff we like

1:51 AM  

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